
Kingdom e-courses to equip, empower and overcome

Life happens.

Big (or small) life events affect us.  It can sidetrack us or throw us off balance – sometimes even into a ditch – that we may eventually end up walking with a limp or choose to remain in that ditch forever.

The enemy (yes satan!) will use anything to influence your destiny and God’s plan for your life.

Pain, trauma and heartache is a major strategy and tactic by the enemy to immobilize God’s people by allowing them to believe lies – about who they are and meant to be – and to keep them stuck and in bondage without hope for the future.

The result – living a life way under your God potential and never accomplishing God’s plan and purposes for your life!

The OliveTreeConnect Kingdom courses aim to help you get healing for that limp and to get out of the ditch –  by focusing on God’s Kingdom truths – so that you can become the overcomer that you are and achieve God’s special calling and plan for your life.


Why OliveTreeConnect?

An Olive Tree symbolizes faithfulness and steadfastness.

Psalms 52:8 says, “But I am like a green Olive Tree in the house of God; I trust in the mercies of God forever and ever.”

Whatever the conditions: hot, dry, cold, wet, rocky, or sandy, the evergreen Olive Tree will live to produce fruit.  It is said that you can never kill an Olive Tree. Even when cut down or burned, new shoots will emerge from its roots.

This scripture is a reminder that no matter what the circumstances is that we find ourselves in, we can remain steadfast like the Olive Tree in the presence of God – evergreen (faithful) and bearing fruit.

My prayer is that the OliveTreeConnect courses will help you to see who you really are…and made to be!

An overcomer in Christ!

Living an overcoming life!